Monday, February 1, 2010

A word on "Doggy Style" productions

It appears The Mutt likes to write little plays and skits. He particularly seems to enjoy writing about real people being maimed and murdered. Okay, making fun of people is one thing. Even writing a stupid little skit is acceptable, even if not very tasteful. But to write about real people killing eachother or being killed? I think that crosses a line somewhere, and I think The Mutt needs to stop this.

Some skits can be funny; but people dying is not. People attempting to murder Michael Jackson and killing E-Cas is not funny either. It is sick, twisted, morbid and just plain wrong. What is wrong with you, Mutt?

Have you ever noticed that since the very beginning of his blog, Amy has been his main victim. She is gone, and yet he still preys upon her. Why? She is no longer in the picture. Not that she is innocent by any means, (which I will blog about at a later time). That said, .com is dead now. Amy is long gone, who knows what she's up to nowadays. Who really gives a damn either? So why keep bringing that up? What is the point? Simply to stir? Or is Muttly running out of interesting things to write about?

Now Mo and Souza are the main targets of his blog, though Amy is still a key figure it seems. And if Mutt is investigating a 'hoax within a hoax' where is the investigation in a dumb little "everyone murderers everyone" skit? In the time it probably took him to come up with that, he could have done some actual investigating. Do not be fooled by the proclomations of a mutt chasing its tail.

Can you not see he isn't out to protect you as he claims? He is not out to get you to wake up. Quite the opposite, he is trying to put you to sleep! The dog doesn't care about investigating, all he wants is revenge. For what you may ask? I have a theory. Well, it is one I have had for quite some time now. But if I told you now, THAT would be telling. I will save that for another entry, regarding the Amy saga...and what REALLY happened.

Think for yourself...and if somebody tells you something, ask yourself "what are their motives?"

The Cat


  1. I`m starting to like you...thanks for showing that mjhdc is a paranoid idiot.. LOL

  2. waow you're great good point. and the ugly mutt does not know what to say
