Saturday, January 30, 2010

Defining Dogshit

Conspiracy, in his latest blog, (at the time of this writing) said the biggest line of bull-dog-shit yet.

“I do not force anyone to agree with them. And as for me bashing all those that do not agree - you will find that is called debate; when two opposing ideas are debated.”

Like Conspiracy, I spent under 3 minutes doing some research on Google. Here are a couple of definitions to think about:

Debate: 1. To consider something; deliberate. 2. To engage in argument by discussing opposing points. ...

Bash: informal: To engage in harsh, accusatory, threatening criticism.

So Conspiracy, by these definitions, what do you do? Have debates or bash? I say bash. But, I will let the readers make up their own minds. Think for yourselves. When is the last time he ever engaged in a conversation to debate anything? When is the last time he called someone faggot, lesbian, white trash, etc. Do the math. 1+1 does not equal 3, it equals 2.

You are right about one thing. You do not force people to agree with you. You just make sure people are bashed and ridiculed enough for posting that they disagree, that many others don’t dare disagree with you. THAT is censorship, dumbass! Take a long look in the mirror.

Regarding brainwashing, you do in a way. They say that when you hear something enough (lie or not) you start to believe it is true. You spew the same shit over and over again, and people start to state it as fact, rather than rumor or opinion.

Actually, again I did some research for myself. There is a technique of propoganda that hitler called "The Big Lie." Allow me to post what I found about it:

From Wikipedia:
The phrase was also used in a report prepared during the war by the United States Office of Strategic Services in describing Hitler's psychological profile:[3][4]

His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.


Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels was the master of the “big lie” tactic in which a lie, no matter how outrageous, is repeated often enough that it will eventually be accepted as truth. Goebbels explained:
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Sound familiar? I think it fit's Conspiracy pretty well. He never admits when he is wrong, never allows people to cool off after some huge event at the MJHD forums, he ridicules those that believe differently than he does, AND he repeats the same line of dog shit over and over again, until people actuall start to believe it! Conspiracy is, in effect, using Hitler's own propoganda techniques. And he calls the owners of the various MJ hoax death forums dictators? I have three words: pot, kettle, black.

Think for yourself,

The Cat


  1. nice blog. you hit the nail right on the head with everything you said! please write more. i love you.

  2. So by your own theory I'm a nazi. Didn't you start by complaining about me judging people?

    Allegedly I'm a dumbass. That would be classed as bashing someone. All those ideals you so proudly stood up for you are now going against.

    What a quick turn around on ideals. Keep up the good work of contradicting yourself. You just used 1 life. Only 8 left pussy.

  3. "Like Conspiracy, I spent under 3 minutes doing some research on Google"


  4. well conspiracy The CAT wasnt bashing you exactly she was stating the facts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Let the games begin!
