Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Cat Is Out Of The Bag

There is a new animal in town people, and it's no dog! I am an avid reader of a blog called MJHD Conspiracy. This person is nothing but a jerk. He claims to speak the truth, when all he does is lie or twist facts into his own version of reality. I don't like this blogger, but more than that, I don't like that he claims to be trying to lead people to the truth, when in fact, all he is doing is bashing people. Conspiracy claims as fact, things that are absolute lies; or rumors at best. I will reveal the truth, and the difference between the dog and the cat, is that I will give proof whenever possible. It is time someone put this dog in the pound. That person is me. The Cat.

If you are here to find out the identity of MJHD Conspiracy, you will not. That said, if I should ever find out, you can be 100% DAMN SURE I will post it here without hesitation. As for me, you will only know me as Cat, or The Cat, if you wish. Should you find out who I am, I don't give a shit. Some may ask why I read a blog from a person that I despise as much as Conspiracy. I don't have to like or agree with somebody to read their blog. In fact, I disagree with almost everything the asshole has to say...notice I said almost.

So what is my goal you ask? Conspiracy claims his goal is to "Sniff out the bullshit on MJHD." Well, my goals are two-fold. First and foremost, I am here to "Claw out" the bullshit in his blog. You people need to hear more than Conspiracy's side of the story. He always wants you to think for yourself, or so he claims. Well, I want the same thing. How can you make an accurate judgement if you hear only one side of a story? You can't. That is why I am here.

I will also write anytime I agree with something he says, but disagree with the other shit he puts with it. For example, he states that Mo and Souza are out of their minds. Their theories are crazy. I agree. Except for the out of their minds part, they have a right to believe what they want. But what they believe is quite out there, in my opionion. I don't think they are stupid though. See, I will write different than he does. I will not proclaim my word to be the final end all truth. I'm simply providing another side to the many distorted stories that he comes up with.

In addition, I do have inside information on a few issues that he has written about. No, I'm not saying I'm MJ or anything like that. I am simply an insider on some of the websites that he speaks of. Therefore, I know with certainty and can prove that the dog has shit in the blog; I smell it as I read it.

I agree with Conspiracy in that you people need to learn to think for yourself. That doesn't mean believing me or him. What does it mean? It means gathering both (or in some cases all of the many) sides of any given story, and as the oracle in the film "The Matrix" states, "Making up your own damn mind." I have seen so many times that you believe something simply because Conspiracy says it; or to broaden that, because someone else said it. How many people have some of you believed is Michael Jackson, only to find out it was some jackass with too much time on his hands playing with you? Think for yourself, that is the motto of this blog. That is how I will end all of my posts. The next post will be concerning conspiracy, unless something else should come up before then that I just have to address. Throughout my writings I will clue you in on some of the happenings at the hoax sites that you have been lied to about. Not just by conspiracy, but by others as well. A daunting task, but a noble one, I think.

Oh, and while I do have comments set to be moderated, but I will never censor your comments, and I will allow all of them through. As Conspiracy says, wake up! But wake up with BOTH SIDES of the story. And then make up your own mind.

Think For Yourself,

The Cat


  1. You're so destined to expose MJHDconspiracy, tell me "Cat", who are YOU?

  2. Do u really think we r like a quarter-intelligent tools? I do think by myself, thanks for ur concern. TYI-neither MJHDC nor u r the gospel for me. Instead of sculpting in shit i'd rather see u all doing something usefull. Of course we all deserve some fun time, but plz... not another "revealing the truths of hoax investigators" blog.....i know what i know and i dont give a f.. what others say.
    But one thing Kitty- if u wanna be respected-say ur name.

  3. well...I am certainly looking forward to reading your truth about the "lies" on the forums.....

  4. RADISON says:

    @angie f know what you know??? IMO ya know shit coz that's all ya say!! what is ya problem? broken record? say smth new 4 a change....and yeah ya all are stupid coz u do nothin but eat the BS fed to ya all...time 4 ya 2 think out of the box and quit tryin to tell others what 2 believe or what not 2 believe, ya all full of crap, aint none better than the other

  5. Hi,
    Interesting. Are you prepared to lead the army in battle? I hope that you're not someone who has their head in the sand like the rest of the world regarding hoax conspiracy. Too many fakes, And quite frankly it is getting so old and ridiculous.


    WTF r u? Do u know me? Bcuz i dont know u! Unless "radison" is just another anonymous... looks like that. And seems u have no idea what i do. Live ur shitty ignorant life and God bless U! Keep smoking pot;)

  7. personally i dont think you have said much you've gone on about something which was nothin' and so since you've said nothing i cant comment on something that was never said. as for telling us the truth, when it comes to Michael i think a lot of us have found out what we know from the newspapers, the news and other media places and aint nothin' wrong with sharing that 411 with other fans so lets see what truth you wanna tell us that we havent already heard and by the way we do welcome the truth and not "truth"

  8. I'm siding with the dog, I'm allergic to cats. Excuse, I have to sneeze
