Monday, March 1, 2010

The Cat Is Back

Well, it seems some people have been questioning where I am. I'm touched, LOL. I have had some things to do in real life. Unlike the mutt, I actually have responsibilities. Can't be here as much as I'd like.

That said, I'm back and will be posting something that may surprise people. It is about something Conspiracy said, and this time...we are in some form of agreement. That's what, twice now the idgit has said something I agree with? Anyway, stay tuned. This cat isn't roadkill yet. (Oh, and eye...9 lives is not enough!)

Think For Yourself,

The Cat


  1. Welcome back! I had to take some time off as well, so don't feel too bad. That said, you need to finish posting those chats, Cat.

    So why you need so many lives anyway, nine isn't enough? LOL

    All Seeing Eye

  2. Why isn't nine lives enough? Because there is enough bullshit at that stupid Mutt's blog to take 20 lives to sort out.

    I will start posting those chats again tomorrow. I have to find out what page I left off on, lol.

    Oh, and I know you sometimes seem to get things that I don't. If you have anything to help support my latest theory, contact me eyeball. You know where to find The Cat.

    Think For Yourself,

    The Cat

  3. Oh, PS: For that matter, if you have anything to torch the damn theory, contact me too. Either way.

    Think For Yourself,

    The Cat
